by admin | May 25, 2018 | Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Unearned Revenues Unearned revenues are any form of income received before providing a good or service. Once the goods or services are provided, the amount in this account decreases and a revenue account is increased. Unearned revenues can be...
by admin | May 24, 2018 | Business Credit & Collections Lessons, Extending Business Credit & Commercial Collections
Business Credit & Collections Lessons Receivables Management Systems Do you have staff that is qualified to collect customer accounts? Do you have software that allows you to adequately track the accounts? Do you have the internal systems in place to prove the...
by admin | May 23, 2018 | Business Credit & Collections Lessons, Extending Business Credit & Commercial Collections
Extending Business Credit Who gets what terms? Let’s be smart about this, a credit policy doesn’t mean open the floodgates. The best customers, with the greatest ability to pay, should have the best terms. New customers that have not established trust yet, perhaps not...
by admin | May 22, 2018 | Business Credit & Collections Lessons
Accounts Receivables Turnover How to calculate your accounts receivables turnover You can calculate your turnover ratio by dividing the net value of credit sales during a period by the number of accounts receivables in the same period. The accounts receivables...
by admin | May 21, 2018 | Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Business Records Subpoena A subpoena may be useful in obtaining information that the person in question does not want to reveal. In particular, you may want to use a Business Records Subpoena. This should provide you with information on cashed...
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