Our Marketing Team Enjoys these little videos, however the important thing to note is
- We are a Commercial Debt Collection Agency Only, our specialty is Commercial Debt.
- We are incredibly responsive to our clients. Your case will not disappear into a black hole. We are here to serve you and will keep you informed on our progress collecting your debt.
- We have the lowest cost structure within the Commercial Debt Collection Industry. First time Collections, as low as 10% fees
We are out to change how you view working with a debt collection agency. No one likes to turn to a collector, in a perfect world, everyone would pay their bills. Having to turn to our profession to get paid can be aggravating. Not aggravating because of us, but aggravating simply because you have to turn to us, your customer SHOULD have paid their bill. We understand that long before you call us, you may already have a sense of frustration. Our goal is to turn this around for you. To get the money you are owed professionally, and quickly. To provide you with our progress as often as you would like it, without being obtrusive, and to not add insult to injury by charging an arm and a leg.
It is a fairly simple model. Be responsive, do our job, and bill only a reasonable fee, and only bill when our client gets their money.
Give us a try.
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