5 Ways To Collect Without an Attorney


Arbitration is a form of mediation where businesses involved in a dispute present their cases to an impartial arbitrator. Similar to mediation, it is much cheaper and quicker compared to traditional legal options. Unlike mediation, the arbitrator is the person who issues the final decision, with each party obligated to honor that decision. However, decisions made using an arbitrator may be considered binding or non-binding.  A binding decision is considered final, and may be enforced by the court. An appeal on a binding decision only occurs on very narrow grounds. In contrast, a non-binding decision is one where the decision of the arbitrator is considered advisory, and is only binding, or final, if it is accepted by both parties involved.

The use of a low-cost debt collection agency can help you to recover what is owed to you, without using a tactic such as arbitration and leaving the decision to a person who does not have your best interests in mind. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is a low cost commercial debt collection agency that is here to help you without the use of arbitration. You extended the credit to your client expecting them to pay back in full.  Why would you use a method such as arbitration in which you may not receive the entire amount owed to you? Contact Commercial Receivers Incorporated today to recover that which you trusted to loan to your clients.

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