Finding Hidden Assets
Business Records Subpoena
A subpoena may be useful in obtaining information that the person in question does not want to reveal. In particular, you may want to use a Business Records Subpoena. This should provide you with information on cashed paychecks, but unless the checks were exchanged for cash, you will not be able to get information on the bank account.
When filing for a business records subpoena, timing is everything. The subpoena can take up to 30 days to process, and then you need to give the defendant time to object. Once this time has passed, the debtor has 15 days to procure the requested documents. When pursuing a commercial collections case, the first one to attempt collection is often the one who wins. Commercial Receivers Incorporated is the lowest cost commercial debt collection agency in the industry. Our highly competitive rates can be as low as 10%! Contact Commercial Receivers Incorporated to get back more of what is owed to you.
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