by admin | May 25, 2018 | Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Unearned Revenues Unearned revenues are any form of income received before providing a good or service. Once the goods or services are provided, the amount in this account decreases and a revenue account is increased. Unearned revenues can be...
by admin | May 14, 2018 | Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Finding the defendant’s workplace You will want to know where the defendant works. You can choose to do this yourself or hire a skip tracer who has experience in this area. The skip-tracer will follow the defendant to their work while also...
by admin | Apr 30, 2018 | Commercial Collection Series, Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Finding Assets When your business is owed money, you may want professional help to find hidden assets. More than auditors and field agents from the IRS are knowledgeable in finding hidden assets to satisfy liens, tax evasion, and levies....
by admin | Apr 23, 2018 | Commercial Collection Series, Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Starting a Search for Assets The first step to searching for assets is to do your research on the person. Do this before searching public documents. You should obtain the person’s full name and usually their primary home address as well. A social...
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