by admin | Apr 30, 2018 | Commercial Collection Series, Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Finding Assets When your business is owed money, you may want professional help to find hidden assets. More than auditors and field agents from the IRS are knowledgeable in finding hidden assets to satisfy liens, tax evasion, and levies....
by admin | Apr 27, 2018 | Debt Collection Humor, Improbable Debtor Excuses
Improbable Debtor Excuses “My kid used the past due notice as toilet paper, now I need to use the money for a plunger…” In our experience, we have found that most debtors are good people who have gotten themselves into a bad financial mess and just...
by admin | Apr 25, 2018 | Creating a Credit Application, Extending Business Credit & Commercial Collections
Creating a Credit Application Get References Ask for both Trade References and Banking References on your credit application. The past is almost always a good indication of the future. See how well they have managed their credit with other businesses, and how well...
by admin | Apr 23, 2018 | Commercial Collection Series, Finding Hidden Assets
Finding Hidden Assets Starting a Search for Assets The first step to searching for assets is to do your research on the person. Do this before searching public documents. You should obtain the person’s full name and usually their primary home address as well. A social...
by admin | Apr 20, 2018 | Commercial Collection Series, Debt Collection Humor, Improbable Debtor Excuses
Improbable Debtor Excuses “Your check went in the phone company envelope by mistake. You must have their check. Work it out with them!” We find that the best way to get a debtor to make a payment is to work with them. Most debtors are good and honest...
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